Why Rei Kōtuku
is necessary         

– to deliver specialist paediatric palliative care and bereavement support

We believe tamariki in Aotearoa
have a right to the same specialist palliative care services that adults have.

We believe no matter where you live in Aotearoa, all children should have access to specialist palliative care and specialist end of life care if they require it.

Sadly for most (2/3) this is simply not the case.

Approximately 350 babies and children die each year with palliative care needs. Five times more have palliative care needs whilst living their lives.

Many of them are being cared for by dedicated and skilled clinicians but they do not have access to the specialist pediatric palliative care input they may need.

Currently, there is one specialist service based in Auckland, with nursing and allied health-based services in Hamilton, and Christchurch.

The plain truth is that young people have palliative care needs that aren’t being met despite the best intentions of the clinicians involved.

Rei Kōtuku changes that.

The model Rei Kōtuku is built on, is about building authentic connections. Our model puts tamariki, whānau, and their community at the centre. Our model works with a kaupapa of aroha and manaakitanga – love and nourishing, uplifting care.

We focus on ways to live life to the fullest whatever time tamariki have to live, at the same time acknowledging the challenges our tamariki and whānau are facing.

With Rei Kōtuku, tamariki and whānau who are enduring an incredibly tough journey are no longer doing it alone.

Bereavement services to tamariki and rangatahi

Rei Kōtuku is also building towards providing bereavement services to tamariki who have experienced the death of a parent, sibling or close friend. We will work closely with external agencies and hospices to ensure that all tamariki who are bereaved can access the support they need.

Currently, bereaved children fall through gaps and there is limited support available for them.

Childhood grief is a public health issue that needs more focused attention and immediate action.

Through our palliative care networks at Rei Kōtuku, we will partner and work with therapists, external agencies and schools to collaborate in order to continue to support these tamariki. This support being essential for their ongoing wellbeing.

Take care of our children.
Take care of what they hear.
Take care of what they see.
Take care of how they feel.
For how the children grow,
so will the shape of Aotearoa.

- Dame Whina Cooper

(Photographer: Michael Tubberty)